Reading Roverandom /// Chapter 3

In chapter 3 Roverandom’s adventures take a new turn. He gets a chance to explore the place on the Moon none has seen before. As a final stage of his stay there, it gives him a very interesting perspective and shows the dark side of the Moon, in both meanings of the word “dark”.

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Reading Roverandom /// Chapter 1

Rover’s adventures begin one day when he plays with his yellow ball outside and bites a wizard for taking the ball, which is not to the dog’s liking. The animal’s misfortune is that he has not got the slightest idea that the man is a wizard because “if Rover had not been so busy barking at the ball, he might have noticed the blue feather stuck in the back of the green hat, and then he would have suspected that the man was a wizard, as any other sensible little dog would; but he never saw the feather at all” (Roverandom, p. 41-42). Being really annoyed, the wizard turns Rover into a toy dog and his life turns upside down.

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